Artist Martina Passman will deliver a screen print workshop to youths from the Traveller Community in Tuam.
Screen printing is a versatile technique used in various industries, including fashion and advertising. By mastering this technique, participants gain a valuable skill set that could open doors to future employment or entrepreneurial ventures. Moreover, acquiring such skills can boost their confidence and self-esteem, empowering them to pursue their aspirations with greater determination. Through this project, participants can explore their heritage creatively and tangibly, designing and printing T-shirts and posters featuring symbols, motifs, and stories unique to their culture.
Each participant will decide on their own colors, text, and design for their posters and t-shirts. They may choose to design their own logo or slogan. For example, if they want to highlight the current climate change crisis, they could design a slogan for that, or something more personal; it’s entirely up to them to let their creativity run wild!
Young people from Tuam who are not members of the Traveller Community are also welcome to attend, have some fun, get creative, and make new friends.
This workshop will take place in Bru Bhride Arts Hub from 10 am to 4 pm.
To book please contact Martina at
Bru Bhríde Facebook Page