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Charley-Rose Aston

Age 13

Associated Strategic Partner

Irish Street Arts, Circus & Spectacle Network

School & Class:

Harold’s Cross Educate Together Secondary School, 1st year

Tell us about yourself   

“I was born in London, but I’ve lived in Dublin since I was one. Other than circus I like listening to music while I draw or make things out of clay. My favourite music is K-pop. I love travelling to new places and trying new things”

Earliest memory of your Creative Activity?          

“I remember learning to juggle with scarves in Dublin Circus Project in Cabra when I was 8.”

When/how did you begin your favourite creative activity?           

“My favourite creative activity is aerial silks. In 2022 we started preparing for silks by first learning on a cocoon. Instead of having two ends like the silks the cocoon is a sling which makes it easier for learning.”

How do you feel when you’re being creative?    

When I’m being creative I feel happy and inspired.

What advice would you give other young people to encourage their creativity?             

“My advice to other creative young people is to be yourself and don’t be afraid to take risks.”

Who is your creative hero and why?      

“Frida Kahlo is my creative hero because she made amazing works of art even though she was going through a huge struggle.”

Finish the sentence, ‘creativity is…’        

To me creativity is freedom

In your own words, what’s the best thing about Ireland having Cruinniú na nÓg, a national day celebrating creativity for young people?       

“I think Cruinniú na nÓg is a good way for young people to celebrate their unique creativity in any way they want to. I’m proud of Ireland for having a day dedicated to children’s creativity.”

Your planned engagement on Cruinniú na nÓg Day         

“On the day of Cruinniú na nÓg I’ll be at workshops in the Dublin Circus Project in Cherry Orchard, I can’t wait.”

Is there anything else exciting you’d like to tell us?          

“When you are in a circus troupe you become good friends because you have to work on trusting each other.”

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