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Taiguara Murphy Barbosa Pereira


13 years old

Associated Strategic Partner     

Irish Street Arts, Circus & Spectacle Network

School & Class 

Sandymount Park ETSS, 1 st year

Tell us about yourself   

I love drawing, and music and I’m really into sports, hurling is my favourite. I also have a dog named Nico. And of course I love circus!

Earliest memory of your Creative Activity?         

“My earliest memory was when we would do skipping, at the time we were in Broombridge, so it was quite a while ago, I think I was around 7 years old!”

When/how did you begin your favourite creative activity?         

“My favourite creative activity is drawing, I started as soon as I could hold a pencil in my hand”

How do you feel when you’re being creative?   

I feel relaxed and when it’s done, I feel content but when it doesn’t work out, I sometimes feel frustrated

What advice would you give other young people to encourage their creativity?         

Just to keep on trying, even if you don’t get it the first few times practice, practice, practice!

Who is your creative hero and why?     

My mum, because she’s really good at drawing and sewing she also used to be in a band

Finish the sentence, ‘creativity is…’       

How you express yourself whether that’s through art, music or poetry

In your own words, what’s the best thing about Ireland having Cruinniú na nÓg, a national day celebrating creativity for young people?     

I think its great that there’s a day celebrating creativity because then people who maybe haven’t engaged with creativity as much get a chance to find something they love doing

Your planned engagement on Cruinniú na nÓg Day       

Take part in the Dublin Circus Project event in Cherry Orchard

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