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Maimoonah Syed

Age        7

Associated Strategic Partner

This Is Art

School & Class 

Homeschooled / 1st Class

Tell us about yourself   

My favourite colour is pink and I love to do all kinds of Art

Earliest memory of your Creative Activity?         

I used to finger paint when I was small

When/how did you begin your favourite creative activity?         

When I was 4 years old I used to look at videos of Art and try and copy them.

How do you feel when you’re being creative?   

When I am being creative I feel like I can do anything

What advice would you give other young people to encourage their creativity?         

You can do whatever you want and get better and better through practice.

Who is your creative hero and why?     

My sister because she does really good art

Finish the sentence, ‘creativity is…’       


In your own words, what’s the best thing about Ireland having Cruinniú na nÓg, a national day celebrating creativity for young people?     

To make more young people interested in being creative!

Is there anything else exciting you’d like to tell us?        

I’m making a big painting with my mom at the minute.

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