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Zihan He

Age        15

Associated Strategic Partner     

This Is Art

School & Class 

I am a 4th year at Loreto College, St. Stephen’s Green

Tell us about yourself   

I’m a student with a passion for art and creating. I’m very interested in architecture and STEM. I also play the piano!

Earliest memory of your Creative Activity?         

My earliest memory of creativity and art would probably be when I was around six years old, sitting in a kid’s art class, making colourful doodles and imagining stories to go along with them. It was a simple yet magical feeling that sparked my love for art.

When/how did you begin your favourite creative activity?         

I began my creating art through taking classes at a young age. I was drawn to the idea of expressing myself visually and exploring different techniques and mediums.

How do you feel when you’re being creative?   

When I’m being creative, I feel a sense of freedom. It helps draw me away from my busy everyday life and offers a chance to relax and just enjoy the process. I become completely immersed in the art, just thinking if I should add more shading there? Or maybe I need some more vibrant strokes here?  I feel like I can express myself without limitations!

What advice would you give other young people to encourage their creativity?         

My advice to other young people would be to never be afraid to explore your creativity. Whether it’s drawing, painting, or any other form of expression, embrace it. And enjoy the process, not just the result. The best way to learn is through observing, trial and error and practice! Your piece can go through an ugly stage, but that’s just an interesting obstacle that’s part of the journey.

Who is your creative hero and why?     

My creative hero is my art teacher Zhengying. She has guided me ever since I was a kid. From teaching how to sketch basic geometric shapes to showing me how to paint beautiful acrylic landscapes. There’s no doubt that her constructive criticism and guidance has helped me grow and become a better artist. She has led me to great opportunities and pointed me towards a creative future path.

Finish the sentence, ‘creativity is…’       

Creativity is a journey of self-expression.

In your own words, what’s the best thing about Ireland having Cruinniú na nÓg, a national day celebrating creativity for young people?     

The best thing about having Cruinniú na nÓg is that it celebrates and nurtures the creativity of young people across the country. It provides a platform for them to showcase their talents, connect with other like-minded individuals, and be inspired to pursue their passions further.

Is there anything else exciting you’d like to tell us?        

I’m incredibly excited to participate in Cruinniú na nÓg and to share my love for art with others. It’s an amazing opportunity to celebrate creativity and inspire others to explore their own artistic talents.

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